So some of you are like no... you are wrong... I know at least 3 kids who are BAD through and through.
I used to be one of those people but I am slowly learning that its just not the case.
All kids want is attention and they learn to get it in different ways. Some by excelling, some by actually saying "LOOK AT ME!!!!!" and some by misbehaving. These are good kids who choose to do bad things, not bad kids!
listen to this story...
The most disruptive kid in my class is **** but I know he is not a bad kid because of this beautiful thing he did just Wednesday.
While the bell rings I have to stand in the hall to catch my kids as they go by from carpool and my kiddos have an activity to do while we wait. Sometimes its reading a book (looking at pictures and making up a story), putting together puzzles, or playing with plato or the boxes of happy meal toys they brought. Well during this time the most fingers get smashed because of the shuffle of chairs and on Wednesday Sarah's little fingers got in the line of fire. But Little Matty whose chair did the smushing didn't realize that his chair was still on her fingers!! ouch!!
She cried and I consoled her and dried her tears, kissing those little fingers and making sure nothing was broken and then after she calmed down and went back to reading I returned to my post.
Of course **** wasn't in his seat but this time I let it slide because of what happened next. He walked over to Sarah and patted her on the back and asked her if it was ok. He then looked at her fingers and said "They look ok. Look, (while putting his fingers right where hers were when the accident occurred and pulling Matty's chair tight around his fingers) My hand is ok." and then he kept reassuring her she would be ok and walked away!
Want to talk about breaking a teacher's heart!
What **** didn't know was that I still watch the classroom while I stand at the door. and I saw the whole thing. It was just precious and I will be writing him a Gold slip on Monday!