Friday, November 18, 2011

His laugh changes my day

One of my student's, His name is Marc, has this incredible full bodied laugh. The kind of laugh that shouldn't come out of a 3 year old and is so full of life that you can't help but smile when you hear him.

He has been having a problem with missing mommy from the time that school started and earlier this week I was talking with another teacher on how much that wears on me. He's not a difficult kid at all but he says "I want Mommy" at least once every 5 minutes, no joke.

Then on wednesday during our after school program he was playing with one of the workers and just a few other boys and I actually had time and the mental capacity to hear that laugh. God showed me then that if I could just make him laugh and enjoy school more often maybe this mommy business wouldn't be such a big part of our school day.

And its worked these last two days. I've taken extra time and effort to make sure that he has something to laugh about at least once an hour. It puts him in a better mood and it puts the rest of the class in a better mood and Most importantly It is changing how I view my day.

Until the next story,

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