Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Oh the Toe!!

So as most of you know from my FB, I've got a bum toe, and of course I have to teach on my bum toe and walk around with a big bandage on it. Well during snack yesterday morning one of the students noticed the bandage. "What happened Miss. Burks?" her little voice said. So I told them I have a Bo-Bo on my toe and that I have to keep it covered to keep it safe.
Another little one looked at me and said, "So you have a Bo Bo?" Me- "Yes." Him-"On your toe?" Me-"Yes." Him- "So you have Bo Bo toes? Miss Burks got bo bo toes Matty!" Me- "Yes, buddy I have bo bo toes.(While smiling but trying to keep my composure)"

Now they check on my Bo Bo toe every morning before snack and recess. Yay 3 year olds!!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Note To Self: Bloomers

Always put bloomers on your little girl when sending her out in a skirt to school. No matter how modest she may or may not be she will end up rolling on the floor showing the world her Little Mermaid panties, and the other little girls WILL point it out.

Also it makes sliding on the slide and playing on the Playground so much more enjoyable.

Oh Matty!!!

Matty is learning new things in school. You want to know how I know? Just listen to this story.

I noticed that the first 2 weeks that Matty sat all the way on the potty to go #1, which is uncommon for boys, but not unheard of at the age of 3. He lives in a single parent family, and that is much easier for a mommy to teach than the standing up way. Well...This week Matty decided that he was going to try something new. He's trying to teach himself to stand up and potty. He doesn't know the trick of lifting the seat and that half an inch makes a lot of difference when you are that tiny.

So yes, He's been spraying the walls and the back of the potty and looks surprised everytime it happens. Everytime I see him pull those britches down and get on his tippy toes I just laugh to myself and go get the paper towels and Clorox Spray. (He gets to help clean it up, every time)

Remember, the name was changed to protect the innocent.

So you know..

Most of you know that I am now the proud teacher of 12 awesome 3 year olds. I have been bringing home stories of them each day and my dad said that I just needed to write that down somewhere and it might be worth money one day. So I am.

Please enjoy my rantings and ravings about these little ones, some are precious and some are already having parent-teacher conferences, but I love them all and would only trade one or two of them. ;)

All of the names are changed to protect the innocent (and the guilty)!
